Hampton’s Resourcing

“By selecting Zenzero to deliver our Power BI solution, we managed to present all of the relevant data for our business from a single source. We now have an up-to-date picture of how our business and consultants are performing at any given point in the month/quarter/year which allows us to plan forward much more effectively.”

— Gary McPhee, Director, Hampton’s Resourcing.

Founded by directors Gary McPhee and Simon Ray in 2013, Hampton’s Resourcing and Step Into Teaching are specialist recruitment agencies operating in the executive social care and education sectors respectively. Both businesses have experienced rapid growth in the last few years and have adopted the approach of engaging specialist service providers to help support their core business of recruitment including technology, telephony & comms, finance, business operations, etc.

Hampton’s needed to produce quarterly, and monthly management reports pulling data from a multitude of separate systems. With a team of 25, the team were spending a significant amount of time compiling reports with which to track the performance of the business and make informed decisions to support their growth. Hampton’s researched the market for a reporting suite that would help them to be more efficient when running their internal meetings.

During a discussion with their Zenzero account manager, they started to explore the possibility of using Microsoft Power BI. It quickly became apparent that Power BI was the right tool for the business. Enter Power BI and Zenzero - we were able to articulate how Power BI could meet most of their requirements and surface their data in a user-friendly, easily understandable format that could be used for collaboration across the business and their relevant teams.

The Challenge:

• 2 separate recruitment businesses (Hampton’s Resourcing and Step Into Teaching)

• Different financial year calendars

• Multiple systems from which to extract data (CRM, Finance, timesheets, commission, telephones, KPI)

• Reporting requirements for 1:1 monthly meetings, board meetings, and management reports

• Off the shelf solutions only met 75-80% of their requirements

The Solution:

• Zenzero embarked on the discovery phase of the project to establish that we could meet the client's needs

• Established connections between the individual data sources and Power BI

• Surfaced the relevant data within the clients’ dashboards

• Provided a single solution that met all of their requirements for reporting

The Outcome:

“As a growing business, we found it increasingly challenging to maintain the level of staff engagement that we have always strived for. By introducing Power BI we can stop focussing our efforts on collating data and switch our focus to supporting our team to achieve. As we have experienced rapid growth, it was important that we continue to stay close to our consultants and help them to deliver the right outcomes for our clients.”

“We could have selected an off-the-shelf solution for our reporting that would have met about 75% of our initial requirements. This option would have been the cheaper short-term option however, the long-term costs were significantly more expensive. I’m glad we listened to our trusted technology partner, Zenzero, and realised that Power BI was a cost-effective solution that would meet most of our requirements on day 1. The long-term benefit of our decision is that we are already identifying additional opportunities to utilise Power BI to further enhance the insights we can draw from the tools we use for the smooth running of our business.”